Ott Voltunk. Virtuális Békemenet Magyarországért
Freedom Believer |
/ #201 Freedom Believer2012-02-07 18:49Scope: Protest Letter for Mrs Hillary Clinton, for the United States Secretary of State, U.S. Department of State 2201 C Street NW Washington, DC 20520 Subject: Protest Letter for Mrs Hillary Clinton, for the United States Secretary of State Dear Mrs Hillary Clinton, the United States Secretary of State, I, as Hungarian Citizen, please, let me inform you, that you have no right to wrote your impolite and unrealistic notice to Mr Viktor Orban, prime minister of Hungary, in your surprising letter. Your letter caused indignation, astonishment and irritation in wide range of people. Please consider, that Hungary is an independent country with special interests, with a lot of problems, definitely caused by the former governments. But, instead, please, take similar strong notices against the different financial rating companies (Standard and Poor's, Moody's, Fitch Ratings, etc,). It is well-known, that these companies took their very unreliable, arbitrary and despotic predictions against the different banks and countries, causing them serious damage and harm for those countries and the people, that are not saved against these incorrect and harmful attacks. I, and other European people, did not hear, or to say better, never heard from your sufficient efforts, firm, categorical and consequent criticism and protest against these unreliable and unrealistic opinions obviously ordered by financials, that want to exploit the disturbances they caused for their own profit. Please, do and initiate the necessary measures against the dictatorial activity of these financial lobbies and circles, that respect their interests only, not regarding other nations or other people, only their own money. Are You respecting the interests of the financials only? The interest of the people and Europe and the US not at all? I strongly ask you, that you should do more efficiently against these incorrect financial ratings. This is the primary interest of Europe and the European countries and even of the US. Yours sincerely, Freedom Believer |
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