Kapcsolatfelvétel a petíció szerzőjével
Ez a(z) VÉDJUK MEG KRISNA-VÖLGYET ÉS A SZENT TEHENEKET! petíció automatikusan generált fórumtémája
Vendég |
#21012011-12-12 07:44Please give our ISKCON land back to us immediately, |
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#21022011-12-12 07:48Kindly return the ISKCON property to Hungari Iskcon temple as it belongs to Krisna's property... |
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#21032011-12-12 07:49Венгрия-не Беларусь, все должно быть здорово |
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#21042011-12-12 07:50Pls consider the appeal of Devotees of Hungary ISKCON... They are really genuine. and Society for Krishna Consciousness is really doing good work for Humanity all over the world. Its a bonafide religion. |
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#21052011-12-12 07:51Please give our ISKCON land back to us immediately, so that we can save law and Justice.. Thanks.. |
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#21062011-12-12 07:53Please Kindly give our ISKCON land back to us immediately, |
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#21072011-12-12 07:59Pls allow to worship Krishna |
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#21082011-12-12 08:01May Lord Narsimha Deva Protect all devotees from this crisis.. Hare Krishna |
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#21092011-12-12 08:03Kindly return the ISKCON property to Hungari Iskcon temple as it belongs to Krisna's property... |
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#21102011-12-12 08:05Since this is kaliyga, we can not get out of from this material life hence we require ISKCON temple in each village. Please do not take away the krishna temple..thousands of thousands of people becoming happy by seeing the lord Krishna. Please keep them happy. |
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#21112011-12-12 08:07Help each other to fulfill Gods Will, Please don't stand in between his will |
#2112 GOOD PRACTICE2011-12-12 08:10Those not supportive of noble causes which are definitely meant for the sustenance of HUMANITY would no doubt be harming themselves if they consider being part of IT. |
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#2113 Re:2011-12-12 08:13 |
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#21142011-12-12 08:18Please give us the ISKCON land to our temple as early as possible... Thanks.. |
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#21152011-12-12 08:20Kindly return the ISKCON property to Hungari Iskcon temple as it belongs to Krisna's property... Thanks.. |
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#21162011-12-12 08:25Dear All, The new "Church Law" in Hungary will take away a Hindu Temple status as of January 1st and we can reapply for the same next year only. However the government has not provided any legal stipulation for the society's continued ownership of Krishna Valley's lands in the interim period until temple is again re-registered. In short, Hindu Community risks losing Krishna Valley with no pasture for cows or land to grow food. I therefore request that you sign the online petition-link below-and forward this message to as many people as possible who would also petition against this injustice. Thank you. Your Well-wishers. |
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#21172011-12-12 08:26Преданные с Украины уверенны что все будет хорошо :) Харе Кришна! |
Anonymous |
#2118 Hare Ram Hare Krishna2011-12-12 08:26Hare Ram Hare Krishna |
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#21192011-12-12 08:27Being Human means to respect every living entity not just humans. Everyone has a right to live irrespective of whether that living entity is able to say it or not. LIVE and LET LIVE....... |
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#21202011-12-12 08:29A családommal jártam ott és nagyon tetszett nekünk az, hogy önállóan minden segítség nélkül tudnak élni ezek az emberek. Olyan volt mintha egy másik világba csöppentünk volna. Csodálatos életközösség. |
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#21212011-12-12 08:30The hare krsna people are only promoting love and peace in this world.. please do not impede this movement by snatching their valley away. haribol |
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#21222011-12-12 08:34Hare Krishna movement creates first class citizens in every society and country. I've full confidence that respectable Hungarian Government will do proper justice with Hare Krishna practioners. |
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#21232011-12-12 08:34This is a very good cause, nowadays where every human being is under depression & just fighting against each other for silly reasons in this world, ISKCON is showing us the way how to be happy in this world leading by example......so please support ISKCON, its a good cause..... |
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#21242011-12-12 08:36Please give our ISKCON land back to us immediately, so that we can save law and Justice.. Thanks.. |
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#21252011-12-12 08:37May Singh |
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