Kapcsolatfelvétel a petíció szerzőjével
Ez a(z) VÉDJUK MEG KRISNA-VÖLGYET ÉS A SZENT TEHENEKET! petíció automatikusan generált fórumtémája
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#34512011-12-19 09:52Please don't pass the new law |
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#34522011-12-19 09:53Article 18. UDHR article 18 says: * Everyone has the right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion; this right includes freedom to change his religion or belief, and freedom, either alone or in community with others and in public or private, to manifest his religion or belief in teaching, practice, worship and observance. Therefore please respect this universal declaration and give the Hare Krishna devotees their rights to owe church provisions and the property they need to franchise thier observance of Hare Krishna, the Science of Krishna Consciousness. |
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#34532011-12-19 09:56Article 18. The right to freedom of associatona dn religion according to UDHR is: Everyone has the right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion; this right includes freedom to change his religion or belief, and freedom, either alone or in community with others and in public or private, to manifest his religion or belief in teaching, practice, worship and observance. So Please observe this do not pass another law to violate the rights of Hare Krishna followers |
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#34542011-12-19 10:27We need out land for the cowns to graze, and for the ISKON temple |
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#34552011-12-19 10:27Please stop this discrimination. |
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#34562011-12-19 10:38Felháborító, nem a Krisnásokkal kellene foglalkozni hanem a szektásokkal. |
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#34572011-12-19 10:50May you all pull through this and stand stronger together |
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#34582011-12-19 11:01support this petitions.... |
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#34592011-12-19 11:01support this petition |
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#34602011-12-19 11:01support this pitision |
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#34612011-12-19 11:01radhe radhe |
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#34622011-12-19 11:02support these petitons |
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#34632011-12-19 11:02support this pitition |
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#34642011-12-19 11:02plzzzz support this petition |
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#34652011-12-19 11:04please support this petition |
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#34662011-12-19 11:10ham sab sath hai |
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#34672011-12-19 11:22plz protect krishna valley. |
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#34682011-12-19 11:22Isten tulajdon Istené, nem az állam. Ezért kérlek ISKCON imádják Istent békében. Köszönjük és Isten áldjon meg téged. |
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#34692011-12-19 11:25...ha "nekik" joguk van élni, akkor másnak pláne... |
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#34702011-12-19 11:28With a world filled with so much misery, why should such silly laws be passed. The Lord being the supreme will obviously do justice to the one that has passed this hateful law. Iskon does not harm plants or animals. What is the climate change conferences for??? Is it not to save the planet...which Iskon is following to the end...hare krishna... |
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#34712011-12-19 11:33pls protect krishna valley |
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#34722011-12-19 11:34protect krishna valley |
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#34732011-12-19 11:39Cows are the natural resources.If natural resources will be in danger there can never be any peace in the society. |
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#34742011-12-19 11:40Харе Кришна! |
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#34752011-12-19 11:42We need to keep our temple |
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Van valami, amit meg akar változtatni?
A változást sosem azok indítják el, akik csendben maradnak. A petíció szerzője kiállt mellette és cselekedett. Ön is ugyanezt fogja tenni? Indítson egy társadalmi mozgalmat egy petíció létrehozásával.
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