
/ #400

2011-12-06 09:59

Please leave the devotees with what the devotees are adoing.
They save so many lives and give so much inspiration for people who need it. If the goverment will take over than who will help the people who need this help. All churches are closing everywhere, please don t take over the property from the Hare Krishn s , they are doing the best wellfare work in the world, by food ofr life, to disribute food everywhere for free all over the world; they help people in need. We have the need to continue this wellfare work on the farm in Hungary. ALso the devotees who live there are so devoted to the Lord, and are living so simple, in the service of the Lord; Everybody has there right and needs in this world, and the Hare Krishna s have a right to live like this, if the goverment will take over, how the devotees can contineu. It is not good if the goverment will take over, than what will happen to the inocent devotees, who do no ham to nobody, who are so compassionate for the souls who are suffering, devotees who give up so many bad hapbits just for the service of the Lord.
Please leave the devotees there in the hungary farm, you will see for the future how many people they will help; and how wonderful they are. Stop and leave them alone,,,,PLEASE