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Ez a(z) VÉDJUK MEG KRISNA-VÖLGYET ÉS A SZENT TEHENEKET! petíció automatikusan generált fórumtémája
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#3762011-12-06 08:19Hare Krishna |
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#3772011-12-06 08:19Hinduism is a religion which is based on tolerance & peaceful coexistence & considered the oldest religion on earth. Perhaps this is the only religion which doesn't have procedures for conversion, or perhaps forced conversions. If this is the status for such a peace loving community, particularly to one who is preaching the ways of Lord Krishna, then He alone can save this world. Even a temple is "rechristened" as a "church". May Lord Krishna show them the path of righteousness |
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#3782011-12-06 08:25Ne vegyen micsoda áldás! |
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#3792011-12-06 08:28Hungarian Society for Krishna Consciousness is a genuine organization and very much beneficial for the people of Hungary. It has been my personal experience to see the lives of people getting transformed when take to process, and live in the association of the saintly people. Kindly give permission to ISKCON to continue with their spiritual activities. |
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#3802011-12-06 08:35Hare Krishna! |
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#3812011-12-06 08:48This request is to all the people concerned with present day status of the world. Let us make this world more peaceful and spiritual, let us make is more amicable and livable. Support and protect the people (and their cows) who are already doing their best in this field. |
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#3822011-12-06 08:49It is unfortunate that Hungarian Govt. is not favouring HareKrishna movment.This movment combats Global warming and helps to restore ecological balance. |
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#3832011-12-06 08:52Please solve the problem |
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#3842011-12-06 08:52Пожалуйста позвольте любви войти в ваше сердце |
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#3852011-12-06 08:53I don't understand why anyone would want to hinder God loving persons with such good character. These are honest and religious persons who do not steal, take drugs or have illicit affairs. Please, do the right thing. To take from these persons would be very very wrong and would certainly not bring good things back to you (karma). God bless you all. |
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#3862011-12-06 08:57WHY, WHY, WHY.... |
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#3872011-12-06 08:59Мы сильны когда мы едины, Когда мы едины мы непобедимы. |
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#3882011-12-06 08:59Killing cow is killing human civilization. Cow replaces the mother. Please do not disturb those who give protection to the cows. It is simple common sense that the cows eat that which you don't eat and in turn she supplies you with miracle food. The consequences of your actions will result in very serious reaction. Mother Nature will punish you severely for killing Mother cows!!!! Do you really want to suffer to learn a simple lesson!!!!! Please stop this and we will sincerely pray your prosperity and good fortune. |
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#3892011-12-06 09:06Please protect the innocent people their animals and their lands. They do great service for the society. |
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#3902011-12-06 09:20please keep Krishna valley with the Hare Krishna devotees. give them back the religion status. |
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#3912011-12-06 09:24I've been there. It's a most amazing Farm Community. Pl help them. |
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#3922011-12-06 09:24El a mocskos kezekkel.....!!! |
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#3932011-12-06 09:26Dear Sirs, please maintain this unique project in order to show to next generations the nice and natural way of living. With best regards Herman |
Ezt a hozzászólást a szerzője eltávolította (Részletek)
2011-12-06 09:26- Date of removal: 2011-12-06
- Eltávolítás oka: ?? ???? ???????????
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#3952011-12-06 09:29Spirituality and search for God should not be politicized. I hope good will prevail with Hungarian authorities and they should show respect for God. They should learn from India and USA where all the religious practices are respected.Its 21st century. Come on!!! |
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#3962011-12-06 09:33I hope that officials will respect religious diversity and allow people free exercise of their beliefs and practices. |
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#3972011-12-06 09:33Many people and groups in the world are making huge efforts for sustainability and to help protect the planet. Krishna Volgy is the best example of success and inspiring for all of us who want to follow these plans to live. It is a human right for people to be able to follow their particular chosen faiths and we must fight for these rights to continue, we must fight so that Vaishnavas can also follow their chosen lifestyle and stop the governments raping the people of their liberty and profiteering on others efforts and backs! It is enough that taxes are paid but too much to take what belongs to others!!!!!!!!!! We must fight!!!!!!!! |
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#3982011-12-06 09:34Religious freedom is needed for everyone in the world. If you think about it, it is against the fundamental values of any faith to deny others to practice what they wish. |
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#3992011-12-06 09:54Hare Krishna's are never harmful for the society. always it helps the human society to live peacefuly.if each individual is happy and peaceful the entire country and the world will be the same. |
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#4002011-12-06 09:59Please leave the devotees with what the devotees are adoing. They save so many lives and give so much inspiration for people who need it. If the goverment will take over than who will help the people who need this help. All churches are closing everywhere, please don t take over the property from the Hare Krishn s , they are doing the best wellfare work in the world, by food ofr life, to disribute food everywhere for free all over the world; they help people in need. We have the need to continue this wellfare work on the farm in Hungary. ALso the devotees who live there are so devoted to the Lord, and are living so simple, in the service of the Lord; Everybody has there right and needs in this world, and the Hare Krishna s have a right to live like this, if the goverment will take over, how the devotees can contineu. It is not good if the goverment will take over, than what will happen to the inocent devotees, who do no ham to nobody, who are so compassionate for the souls who are suffering, devotees who give up so many bad hapbits just for the service of the Lord. Please leave the devotees there in the hungary farm, you will see for the future how many people they will help; and how wonderful they are. Stop and leave them alone,,,,PLEASE |
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