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Ez a(z) VÉDJUK MEG KRISNA-VÖLGYET ÉS A SZENT TEHENEKET! petíció automatikusan generált fórumtémája
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#3262011-12-06 00:33The Hare Krishna community in Hungary is a very exemplary and is a benefit to your country. |
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#3272011-12-06 00:39Sai Ram |
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#3282011-12-06 00:54Every one should be free to worship God the way they wish to. Worship of God is the best thing to do in this lifetime. |
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#3292011-12-06 00:57Fura, hogy a médiának kell szerepelni, hogy a döntéshozók is képbe kerüljenek... |
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#3302011-12-06 01:40Let the cows live; all animals deserve the dignity of living life unhindered, unfettered, and most of all, supported by humanity. Thank you, Lisa |
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#3312011-12-06 01:54May be they didn't believe in all mighty GOD. |
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#3322011-12-06 01:54Religious freedom and celebration is a sign of truly civilized societies and culture. I would hope that the great country of Hungary will continue to recognize the Hungarian Society for Krishna Consciousness as a bona-fide religion with the use the land previous set aside for them for food production and taking care of cows. |
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#3332011-12-06 02:03Many of us from UK have regularly enjoyed the wonderful hospitality and love shown at this Hare Krishna Eco Farm. We have love for the Humgarian people because of this lovely farm and the devotees in it. It comes as a great shock that a change in the Government and their policy is threatenning such a bright project which is so far showing Hungary in such a good light. The Government leaders should review their decision and reclassify the Hare Krishnas as a religious group of Hungary. |
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#3342011-12-06 02:12I wish that Global wide we will have community like this one. Happy people making others happy, isn't it great? |
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#3352011-12-06 03:05Krishna devotees feed more people free pure vegetarian meals around the world then any other group of people or religion. |
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#3362011-12-06 03:12Please save the cows |
Ezt a hozzászólást a szerzője eltávolította (Részletek)
2011-12-06 04:01- Date of removal: 2011-12-06
- Eltávolítás oka:
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#3382011-12-06 04:34any organisation is doing well to human society why they have to removed |
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#3392011-12-06 05:03May the authorities in Hungary relaise the great effort that ISKCON is making all over the World and in Hungary. Hare Krishna |
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#3402011-12-06 05:06This legislature that the Hungarian Government has passed,makes no provision for the legally acquired religious status to be maintained,and has far-reaching repercussions that will undermine this great religious culture and tradition that is the Hare Krsna movement,or International Society of Krsna Consciousness in Hungary. This is an unacceptable position for a democratic western nation to find itself in, taking to task to bring such unjust and extremely difficult circumstances and pressures to bear,on such a peaceful and bonafide religious movement-one that is accepted and recognised worldwide,as a genuine and true religion,practiced by millions of people in this present day and age. Do not take away their church status,it is completely without warrant to place such a burden upon this qualified religious institution. Come to some sense,and allow the International Society of Krsna Consciousness in Hungary to carry on with their way of worship unhindered please. Yours sincerely,C. Campbell. |
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#3412011-12-06 05:11visit iscowp.org to know more about importance of cows in the society and importance of krsna consious in society which is like clean and green and peacefull process. |
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#3422011-12-06 05:26Krishna Consciousness not only follows but actually represents Sanatana Dharma which is popularly called Hinduism which is a well known religion. |
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#3432011-12-06 05:34To The Hungarian Government As a visitor from India to Krishna Valley, I am impressed with the work they are doing. This is a successful post-industrial model. This is the model which embodies all the secrets of Mankind's survival in the 21st century and beyond. Its disheartening to see that you are discouraging such a noble attempt, instead of supporting it wholeheartedly. I wish and pray that some sanity prevails. Dr Sahadeva dasa |
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#3452011-12-06 05:38Hare Krishna's are showing a great cultural tradition and creating a live example of harmonously living in a self sufficient society. I appeal to give them the status of religion or else give them the right to maintain the farmland. Regards |
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#3462011-12-06 05:39Please help us to protect vedic culture and peace of mind in living entities |
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#3472011-12-06 05:58Kedves Krisna-völgyiek!!! Nagyon drukkolunk Nektek, hogy megmaradjon a mesésen példaértékű biogazdálkodásra oktató területetek, hogy még sok-sok generáció megismerhesse Általatok a kíméletes állattartás és az EGÉSZSÉGES TÁPLÁLÉK előállítás csínját-bínját! Üdvözlettel: Balogh Judit elnök/ Fauna Alapítvány Email: Phone/fax: (361)-788-59-35 Mobil: +36-70-555-0152 www.faunaalapitvany.hu Skype: bioasszony |
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#3482011-12-06 06:13The traditions of Krishna consciousness require continuation for the benefit of all. This is so regardless of one's cultural background. The importance and benefit of preserving the land for the sacred cows should be obvious to all. |
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#3492011-12-06 06:14I am a Project Engineer n Qatar. In All over the world Hare Krsna's are being praised for their massive work in the social welfare, and upliftment of the society in all the fields right from children to youth to old ones. My Kind request to all the members of parlament that please include Hare Krishna's in the list of the religions.By doing this Hungarian government will also be recognised in al over the world , as Hare Krsna Devotees are present all over the world. |
Ezt a hozzászólást a szerzője eltávolította (Részletek)
2011-12-06 06:15- Date of removal: 2011-12-06
- Eltávolítás oka:
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