Kapcsolatfelvétel a petíció szerzőjével
Ez a(z) VÉDJUK MEG KRISNA-VÖLGYET ÉS A SZENT TEHENEKET! petíció automatikusan generált fórumtémája
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#10262011-12-08 05:20Please do not disrupt the hare krsna community. Let them live in peace and let them serve the people. They are peaceful and are committed to serve Krsna who is the supreme protector of everyone. Please do no harm to them. They will only help your community prosper. Please think twice before you make any unpleasant decisions that will harm the people and the community. Harekrsna. May God bless you!!! |
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#10272011-12-08 05:21what a mess |
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#10282011-12-08 05:27I want this Hungarian farm to exist forever. |
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#10292011-12-08 05:29Don't leave vaishnavs without their temples! |
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#10302011-12-08 05:30Hare Krishna movement all over the world has brought peace and happiness.It should be more and more expanded worldwide for PEACE.No other movement has been successful as like as ISKCON to give the best social activities to the humanitarian world.This organization is deicated to teach genuine humility and Love for all without any condition.This is not a religious society it is fully a spiritual that helps one to enlighten for blissful and prosperouds life.Please help this wonderful society(ISKCON) in Hungary.The Government shoud aid in every way.Wish you all the BEST. |
Rajiv Lochana Dasa |
#1031 PLS. help to Hare Krishna people2011-12-08 05:31Hare Krishna movement all over the world has brought peace and happiness.It should be more and more expanded worldwide for PEACE.No other movement has been successful as like as ISKCON to give the best social activities to the humanitarian world.This organization is deicated to teach genuine humility and Love for all without any condition.This is not a religious society it is fully a spiritual that helps one to enlighten for blissful and prosperouds life.Please help this wonderful society(ISKCON) in Hungary.The Government shoud aid in every way.Wish you all the BEST. |
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#10322011-12-08 05:43If you want to save the world from war and calamities, please give protection to cows bulls and devotees of Krishna(The Supreme Master of everything), don't harm them. You can't understand the above logic with your logic. |
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#10332011-12-08 05:49Magyar Köztársaság helyett Magyarország, Alkotmány helyett alaptörvény, minden borzalom kezdete:2011.01.01.:-( |
Anonymous |
#10342011-12-08 05:52Iskcon is all about Spiritualism and about religious things.Because God is God.Humility and peace is our moto. HARE KRISHNA , HARE KRISHNA KRISHNA KRISHNA , HARE HARE HARE RAM, HARE RAM RAM RAM , HARE HARE |
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#10352011-12-08 05:56Ezt is felháborítónak tartom,mint megannyi más ügyet mostanában.Megosztottam és a demonstrációra elmegyek. |
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#10362011-12-08 06:04Please protect Krsna Valley, it is for the ultimate benefit of human society. |
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#10372011-12-08 06:07Please protect the sacred land , sacred cows and devotees of lord. They are doing the most beautiful job in this world to bring peace and harmony in human man kind. |
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#10382011-12-08 06:18it should be saved at any cost. |
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#10392011-12-08 06:24Plese do not interfere people and cows his normal life/ |
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#10402011-12-08 06:29FREEDOM!!!! FREEDOM!!! FREEDOM!!! |
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#10412011-12-08 06:33 |
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#10422011-12-08 06:37Yes, we should protect our cows |
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#10442011-12-08 06:51We appeal the Hungarian government to protect ourselves. |
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#10452011-12-08 07:03Hare Krishna is a real, one of the best religions! Very ancient. Let it exist in Hungary.Alex Minin. |
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#10462011-12-08 07:04The Krishna community is ACTIVELY promoting a sustainable way of life on our beautiful planet, which the human race is systematically destroying!! Please sign this petition and help save at least a small part of Mother Earth and look after the beloved cows!! Hare Krishna! |
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#10472011-12-08 07:17Мы за мир и счастье во всем мире !!! |
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#10482011-12-08 07:18Bántanak??? nem Rossz tannítatásuk van??? nem Lopnak??? nem Sértegetnek? nem Dolgoznak??? igen Szeretnek??? igen Hisznek??? igen Ezek az emberek kiket bántanak???? Engem nem mást nem akkor miért kell őket bántani???? Ez egy kultúra!!! Kérem ezt tudomásul kell venni!! Működhet jól rosszul nincs jogunk bírálkodni mindenkinek van mit söprögetni otthon miért nem azzal foglalkoznak!!! |
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#10502011-12-08 07:28The temple should be protected by the Hungarian govt. |
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