Kapcsolatfelvétel a petíció szerzőjével
Ez a(z) VÉDJUK MEG KRISNA-VÖLGYET ÉS A SZENT TEHENEKET! petíció automatikusan generált fórumtémája
Janeshvar Dasa |
#1526 Dear Governement2011-12-10 02:34This is holy land of earth is called Bharata Varsha. Every living entities are given a chance to achieve perfection in their life. ISKCON is working to help every one to achieve the goal of their life. here Service is done for the benifit of others. so please dont take the land away. Serving every one your servants |
Vendég |
#15272011-12-10 02:45Dear sirs! Please, don't deprive your people and the country of national sight and the center of spiritual culture -Krishna-valli. Please, don't deprive of mothers of mankind - cows, their pastures, and people - possibilities to cultivate the land for cultivation of pure and healthy food! Please show the human mercy! |
Vendég |
#15282011-12-10 02:45Dear sirs! Please, don't deprive your people and the country of national sight and the center of spiritual culture- Krishna-valli. Please, don't deprive of mothers of mankind - cows, their pastures, and people - possibilities to cultivate the land for cultivation of pure and healthy food! Please show the human mercy! |
Vendég |
#15292011-12-10 04:01МЫ ВМЕСТЕ И МЫ ПОБЕДИМ! |
Vendég |
#15302011-12-10 04:04НЕ СДАВАЙТЕСЬ! |
Vendég |
#15312011-12-10 04:08Я С ВАМИ |
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#15332011-12-10 04:33Igen |
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#15342011-12-10 04:34How could a thing like this happen? What kind of government is that? Why are they not protecting the people? |
Vendég |
#15352011-12-10 04:56i wish you to be happy |
Vendég |
#15362011-12-10 05:02When the government of Hungary is insecure and needs the world's attention, it acts irrationally and offensively. Let them even try! God is certainly watching all of us. |
Vendég |
#15372011-12-10 05:04We should not compromise anything out of krishna consciousness. So we should be pray to krsna and move for the achivement. śrī-bhagavān uvāca kutas tvā kaśmalam idaṁ viṣame samupasthitam anārya-juṣṭam asvargyam akīrti-karam arjuna The Supreme Personality of Godhead said: My dear Arjuna, how have these impurities come upon you? They are not at all befitting a man who knows the value of life. They lead not to higher planets but to infamy.(BG2.1) |
Vendég |
#15382011-12-10 05:54Hare Krishna |
Vendég |
#15392011-12-10 05:57Кришна Бог!! |
Vendég |
#15402011-12-10 06:02Какой ужас |
Vendég |
#15412011-12-10 07:09Let us give fair rights to everyone. Live and Let Live specially peaceful groups like ISKCON. |
Vendég |
#15422011-12-10 07:18Please save the temple.... |
Vendég |
#15432011-12-10 07:18Plz Help to save... |
Vendég |
#15442011-12-10 07:33Don't go against your conscience,taking away the land belonged to highest degree pure and spotless people and innocent cows,which are considerated like our mother.May be you would win something,but at the same moment you would lose everything. |
Vendég |
#15452011-12-10 07:35Why take away the land from a group of people who actually use it for something worthwhile? |
Vendég |
#15462011-12-10 07:57it is ridiculous to treat a great tradition of vaisnava culture society called ISKCON is not following the genuine religion. |
Vendég |
#15472011-12-10 08:07Government should alow ISKCON devotees continue with their asserts. |
Vendég |
#15482011-12-10 08:08please save!!!!!!!!!!! save world!!!!!!!!! |
Vendég |
#15492011-12-10 08:41yes.... |
Vendég |
#15502011-12-10 09:15I beg all concerned authorities not to take away the Hare Krishna Land. Hare Krishna Devotees are doing a great service to humanity by transforing the present sinful conditioned souls to pure spiritual souls. |
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