Kapcsolatfelvétel a petíció szerzőjével
Ez a(z) VÉDJUK MEG KRISNA-VÖLGYET ÉS A SZENT TEHENEKET! petíció automatikusan generált fórumtémája
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#17012011-12-10 23:58Én nagyon szorítok Nektek! Igenis hagyjanak benneteket békén!! Ebben az országban mindent lehet EGYESEK-nek. Csak nem valamelyik "szeretetre méltó, tehetséges, szarházi" képviselő nézte ki magának???? Ne hagyjátok !!! |
Vendég |
#17022011-12-11 00:09Дайте людям жить по-человечески, счастливо. |
Vendég |
#17032011-12-11 00:26For any monastery it's very important to have its own land for farming because of many causes. I hope Krishna's farm in Hungary will be protected by Hungarian Government. Nowadays this farm is an example for many Krishna-devotees in different countries around the world. |
Vendég |
#17042011-12-11 00:33Hi, The Hare Krishnas in Hungary are a peaceful movement who contribute substantially to the progress of the local community and nation as a whole. Please reinstate their position over their property and register them as a religious organisation with all the concomitant rights. |
Vendég |
#17052011-12-11 00:35Kerek mindenkit mentsuk meg a Kriszna volgyet mert minden ami szent ,tiszta szeretet,odafigyeles a masik emberre segitokeszseg,az ott erezheto koszonom a lehetoseget.HARE KRISNA |
Vendég |
#17062011-12-11 00:46It is ironic and tragic why Hindus are targeted for harrassment and condemnation everywhere in the Christian world even though they mostly live a peaceful, unobtrusive and cooperative lives in their social environs. Whatever happened to the teachings of Jesus to "Love thy neighbor as thyself"? Is it merely an empty slogan? Or did Jesus meant it to be observed only within his own Christian flock? |
Vendég |
#17072011-12-11 01:05Please sign this petition because is one of the most dear living beings. |
Vendég |
#17082011-12-11 01:13ISKCON is one big family where everione is happy and we try make happy utheres.We against of war and killinig animales.Only what we want it is serve to God and be His devoty.It is so simple.We do not want give trouble to anyone .So how someone can be against to us?! |
Vendég |
#17092011-12-11 01:40TEljesen fel vagyok háborodva,nem találok szavakat,ha ez bekövetkezik amit leírtak.Inkább védeni kellene és támogatást nyújtani,mivel a tiszta emberséget,szeretetet,családvédelmet,munkára való nevelést,egymás megbecsülését,egészséges életmódot képviselik a Krisna völgyben élök.Ezeknél az értékeknél mi az ami fontosabb az emberiség számára??? Mivel tudnék segíteni azon kívül amit leírtak,mert sajnos nem tudok dec,13-án részt venni a demonstráción.Gyermekem a harmadik gyerekét most hozza világra holnap vagy holnap után és a meglévő kettő unokámra kell vigyáznom. Együttérzésemről,segítő szádékomról biztosítom a Krisna völgy lakóit.HARE KRISNA DEngi Mária Mosonmagróvár,Steurer Józef utca 20.mobil 06 20 924 5978 |
Vendég |
#17102011-12-11 01:45Hajrá!!! Mentsétek meg, szükség van rátok! |
Vendég |
#17112011-12-11 01:46The Krishna Valley project is a wonderful example of self sufficiency and thus it is an inspiration to me. In today's busy technological world, the farm proves that the philosophy of simple living and high thinking is not just philosophy but practical too. I love the place which brings in many international visitors, like myself. Praying it will stay where it is and continue to benefit society. Many thanks to the Krishna farm project...and all those dedicated to it. |
Vendég |
#17122011-12-11 01:54The cow is our mother and it is our duty to protect her. Please protect the cows and the saintly people who care for them. |
Vendég |
#17132011-12-11 02:10I give my full support. |
Vendég |
#17142011-12-11 03:57This is a most important movement to bring about proper ecological, physical, mental and spiritual balance in society. Please promote its ideals, rather than curb it. |
Vendég |
#17152011-12-11 04:02Are they crazy this is the Land of Lord Hari & His dear Devotees! |
Vendég |
#17162011-12-11 04:07Hoping for a world where discrimination is history |
Vendég |
#17172011-12-11 04:16Krsna Valley is important to the world as it showcases how to live simple in an ecofriendly manner when the whole world is moving towards mechanisation which has created imbalance leading to a lot of environmental and health issues. Don't destroy this!!!!!!!!!!! |
Krishnan |
#17182011-12-11 04:27Krisna Valley has attracted a lot of tourists for ecotourism . This in turn has made Hungary a must visit place for many people around the world. The government must realise Krisna Valley is indirectly supporting in generating revenue . |
Vendég |
#17192011-12-11 04:37Cow protection is essential for maintaining peace in the country |
Vendég |
#17202011-12-11 04:46Cows are the barometer of Peacefull society. Do not kill them by snatching their right to graze by taking away their grazing fields. |
Vendég |
#17212011-12-11 04:49Hare krishna |
Vendég |
#17222011-12-11 04:55The Hare Krsna devotees are helping bring a much needed peace in this world by their lifestyle and actions. They should be thanked for this and encouraged as much as possible. Thank you for your support and may the Lord bless everyone. |
Vendég |
#17232011-12-11 04:55save cow save the earth |
Vendég |
#17242011-12-11 05:01Those rascals closing down the religious places will go to hell like Osama Bin Laden. |
Vendég |
#17252011-12-11 05:26please don't take away of noble soul. They are are helping society by creating such a example for world today. |
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