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Ez a(z) VÉDJUK MEG KRISNA-VÖLGYET ÉS A SZENT TEHENEKET! petíció automatikusan generált fórumtémája
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#17512011-12-11 07:29I want that it still life! |
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#17522011-12-11 07:29This Hare Krishna Movement is very important to the world so please help The ISKCON Hare Krishna to continue their Devotional Activities.They don't harm anyone instead they help The Whole World.So please grant the what they want. Thanking you. |
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#17532011-12-11 07:43God create the world to facilitate his children to become conscious of him. so anyone who will try to take away this facility will be condemned by the laws of god. such persons, nations, leaders, political parties or so-called religious people will burn in the fire of their own sinful reactions. But still i pray for these sinful people that they get proper knowledge and become sober. no one existed before the creation but only the lord. every child of the lord has the right to pray, call and worship the way the lord reciprocates to him. |
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#17542011-12-11 07:45plz save!!! |
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#17552011-12-11 07:49please give protection to God's servants. |
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#17562011-12-11 07:50Krishna is with us!!! |
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#17572011-12-11 07:52Please protect God's servants |
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#17592011-12-11 07:57its a very good org plz protect it |
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#17602011-12-11 07:57Please give all the support for the Hare Krishnas. they are doing the best welfare activity for all Hungarians! |
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#17612011-12-11 07:58Please give all the support for the Hare Krishnas. they are doing the best welfare activity for all Hungarians!! |
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#17622011-12-11 08:00Please give all the support for the Hare Krishnas. they are doing the best welfare activity for all Hungarians! |
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#17632011-12-11 08:00Please give all the support for the Hare Krishnas. they are doing the best welfare activity for all Hungarians! |
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#17642011-12-11 08:04Please we all want to protect God's servants, cows and the land. |
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#17652011-12-11 08:05Save Krishna village |
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#17662011-12-11 08:05Please save the Dear cows as well as the Krishna Valley ! |
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#17672011-12-11 08:06Please help good people doing welfare for the society. |
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#17682011-12-11 08:07Protect the saints doing good for all! |
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#17692011-12-11 08:08cow should be protected. they are doing good so please let them contineou |
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#17702011-12-11 08:13cows must be protected .hare krishna.. |
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#17712011-12-11 08:21Hare Krishna! |
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#17722011-12-11 08:23Very few people adopt for such a noble cause with no expectations of self benefit, The ISKCON Is purely healthy and useful in every aspect. |
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#17732011-12-11 08:24Law which are made without thinking need not be followed |
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#17742011-12-11 08:24.. |
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#17752011-12-11 08:28It is my humble request to hungarian government that when they are going to protect cows, monks, temple etc they are going to get direct mercy of lord krisna the supreme personality of god head and because of this they may rule for long time and get blessed by the people of hungary. |
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