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Ez a(z) VÉDJUK MEG KRISNA-VÖLGYET ÉS A SZENT TEHENEKET! petíció automatikusan generált fórumtémája
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#25012011-12-12 19:00Please have mercy and let the most innocent of people and the animals live their life with peace, harmony and for the service of the God. In the short and the long run they will bless the community and the society with which they are connected/ part of. God's blessings will be showered upon those who provide protection to these innocent and noble souls. |
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#25022011-12-12 19:01Please protecet the most peaceful community on the earth! |
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#25032011-12-12 19:03It is in the interest of all to support International Spiritual organization such as Krishna Consciousness which has been providing spiritual services to the whole humankind. Please pay serious and sincere consideration to the petition signed by me and many others like me. Thank you. Professor Jagdish P Dave Ph.D., Psy.D. |
JGRDasa Vendég |
#25042011-12-12 19:04The ISKCON community, a non-sectarian organisation serving the humanity at large and particularly the hungarian people.This action is most inhuman, undemocratic and partisan attitude of the government. Any intelligent person will take to Krsna Consciousness/ God Consciousness. There is no quesrtion of converstion as the church people fears. For all the Religions the Vedas emenated in India are the basis. But none of the Religions are as complete as this Sanatana Dharma Eternal religion followed by ISKCON and it paves the way to go back to home back to godhead, which is the ultimate purpose of human life. Eating, mating,sleeping and defending- this is animal life.Any bonafide government should encourage the activities of the ISKCON Movement and support the same because the duty of ant Government or its leader, who is supposed to be the representative of the Lord, is to oversee wheather every religious followers are strictly following the injunctions enunciated by each religion. When ISKCON is strictly following all the instructions given by its founder Achaarya Srla Prabhupada, whos the bonafide representative of the Lord, there is no scope for the Govt. to undermine the activities of this bonafide organisation doing immense service to humanity by saving their souls instead of saving the shirt of the person drowning in water as other religions are doing.So we kindly request the Honourable Govt of Hungay to see things as they are and we hope better sense will prevail on the Parliamentarians of the Great Country, which is being recognised by the worldwide communty of ISKCON as the forerunner as stated in Bhagavad Gita: Wharever a great man does other people will follow and whatever standard is set by him, the entire humanity will follow. We pray to the Lord that the Govt will think twice before acting. Thank you. Hare Krshna!Jai Nrisimha Dev! |
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#25052011-12-12 19:07Thanks |
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#25062011-12-12 19:08Protect the rights of humans to practise their faith. |
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#25072011-12-12 19:09This should not happen as all the registeration should be one time only and lasting forever. I hope the government will understand this. Thank you. |
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#25082011-12-12 19:10peace on Earth |
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#25092011-12-12 19:11Save ISKON Hungary |
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#25102011-12-12 19:16This is wrong, the Temple should always stay as the Krishna Valley, with the devotee's taken care off, the government should be grateful that they are there doing Gods work. |
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#25112011-12-12 19:20Is not it injustice if you ban against a peaceful religious activity. We Hindus are always love to be peaceful and our religious process always shows a peace in everywhere. So i request you to do something that way the devotee or the representatives of peace can do their peaceful work in your country. Thank you... |
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#25122011-12-12 19:21I support this petition |
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#25132011-12-12 19:22Approaching life with gratitude, this is the beautiful krsna consciousness that we thrive to share with others :) Hare Krsna! |
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#25142011-12-12 19:24Kedves Barátaim! A keresztények/keresztyének egyik legnagyobb ünnepéhez közelegve talán lesz annyi belátása a most regnáló kormánynak és parlamentnek, hogy az elrontott egyházügyi törvényt még ebben az évben módosítja, illetve a 14 egyházat tartalmazó listát kiegészíti mindazon kisegyházakkal, amelyek társadalmi felelősségüket átélve, oly sok segítséget adnak a rászorulóknak, elesetteknek, betegnek. Talán ez lenne a legszebb ajándék számotokra Karácsonykor. Az Isten adjon erőt áldozatos munkátok továbbviteléhez. Barátsággal és szeretettel: Gulyás Kálmán, nyugalmazott egyházügyi címzetes államtitkár |
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#25152011-12-12 19:26my support for reestablishing the Krishna Community in Hungary |
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#25162011-12-12 19:27hare krishna, dont worry , lord krishna watching this, and soon u will get beautiful arrangement by mercy of lord krishna, |
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#25172011-12-12 19:30Yes! |
isopolis Vendég |
#25182011-12-12 19:31A föld azé, aki megműveli! |
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#25192011-12-12 19:33God is only one. About 5000 years back, God appeared in India as Lord Krishna, uncovered the sacred knowledge ie Bhagwat Gita to His devotee Arjun.Krishna consciousness is purely the essence of the Bhagwat Gita that devotees try to spread it to people.It is only by hearing the Bhagwat Gita from a pure devotee, can a person understand what Krishna consciousness means.Those who wish to come out of the birth and death cycle would get interested to understand the very purpose of the movement. |
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#25202011-12-12 19:35Right is RIGHT and it is MIGHT too.. |
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#25212011-12-12 19:36Пожалуйста! Не трогайте преданных и коров! |
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#25222011-12-12 19:37Protect krishna Valley and cows |
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#25232011-12-12 19:39It is unfair to close the ISKCON Hungary |
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#25242011-12-12 19:40Áldás béke szeretet legyen velünk |
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#25252011-12-12 19:47cows are innocent living beings which help the livelihood of humans many ways please save them from slaughter houses |
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