Kapcsolatfelvétel a petíció szerzőjével
Ez a(z) VÉDJUK MEG KRISNA-VÖLGYET ÉS A SZENT TEHENEKET! petíció automatikusan generált fórumtémája
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#25762011-12-12 23:11Imádkozom értetek! |
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#25772011-12-12 23:25Hare Krisna |
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#25782011-12-12 23:27Szólj hozzá... |
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#25792011-12-12 23:39I will pray to krishna to maintain the integrity of our farm. every body has right to perform his religious duties. God is watching. hare Krishna Rakesh Australia |
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#25802011-12-12 23:45Sanity is the basis for civilisation. Such a law shows the rulers barbaric tendencies. |
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#25812011-12-12 23:46Gauranga! |
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#25822011-12-12 23:48Thay try to make the World better |
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#25832011-12-12 23:57All right thinking people from all societies will agree that the hare Krishna movement should be allowed to spread the word of peace |
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#25842011-12-13 00:00A petícióban vagy a petíció kommentelésében célszerű lenne jobban megvilágítani, hogy miről is van szó. Én csak gondolom, hogy amiatt, hogy mert a Krisna nem szerepel az egyházak listáján, így a létezése és létfenntartása alapjául szolgáló birtok sorsa bizonytalanná vált, (nem lehet tudni, ki a föld tulajdonosa?). Nem hinném, hogy a kormány a teheneket veszélyeztetné, de ha a föld tulajdonosai nem a krisnások, hanem az állam, akkor a kormány azt teszi vele, amit akar. Meg kéne fogalmazniuk, hogy konkrétan mitől tartanak és mit szeretnének elérni. Én ugyan aláírtam a petíciót, mert valószínűleg megalapozott lehet az aggodalmuk, de egy ilyen petícióhoz sokkal több információt kellene adniuk. |
the infidel |
#2585 Re:2011-12-13 00:03"shows the rulers barbaric tendencies". How exactly does it show this? Have you not learnt from the past mistakes of others? Do NOT generalise or throw mud. Especially when you need support. How do you know the support you need will not come from the very ranks of those you criticise? Do not underestimate the power of Krishna. |
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#25862011-12-13 00:37Krsna Valley Hindu church is seen by me and many thousands globally as adding value to the nation of Hungary. Along with benefiting thousands of people of Hungary, it illustrates the countries acceptance of diversity and respect for other philosophies. Minimising the Hindu church through delisting will certainly create political and economical tensions in Hungary with billions of Hindus and those who believe in democracy around the world. |
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#25872011-12-13 00:38Remélem sikerül megmenteni! |
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#25882011-12-13 01:19egy ismerősöm volt ott látogatóban,felejthetetlen élményekről mesélt,nem szabad ellehetetleniteni !!!!! |
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#25892011-12-13 01:22Traditionally all over the world a King was worshiped by the citizens as a representative of God because they served the citizens for all the needs leading them to perfect life through God realisation. We are meant to assist the modern day Kings in fulfilling the same objective. Please accept our services. |
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#25902011-12-13 01:47World without proper conciousness will be dangerous place to live in. I kindly beg to all people to invoke your God conciousness so that you can live happily in your current life on this planet earth and later to the ultimate place of God where you can enjoy without the fear of death, old age, losing. Krishna Conciousness Movement is doing a great service to the world society in helping the people to learn the simple techniques for invoking their dormant God consiousness already existing in everyone. My personal experience as well as the other people who came in contact with Krishna Conciouness Movement have become better people and contributing to the society by performing their duties deligently and sicerely. Trust to have whole hearted support for good cause. |
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#25912011-12-13 01:53by saving us you are saving the world |
just do it |
#25922011-12-13 01:54by saving us you are saving the world |
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#25932011-12-13 02:30Hare Krishna movement unites people from all backgrounds through peaceful pursuit of divinity. To remove the legal status for the movement will make it dysfunctional. We request that the legal status is restored. |
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#25942011-12-13 02:44The Krishna Valley stands for life guiding messages for the whole of mankind and should be given a chance to exist eternally |
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#25952011-12-13 02:57Europa Multikulturalis.Minden orszag "igyekszik" tiszteletben tartani a kissebbsegi etniak tutelaciojat.Ugy gondolom ehez hozzatartozik a vallasi gyakorlat is szabadon amig nem sertenek torvenyt , ami az o estukben eselytelen..... Velemenyem szerint az vallasuk epp ugy ertekes, mint mint mas..pl; kristian , buddista, musulman vagy zsido vallas..Nem rispettando oket discriminaciot kovetnek el!!!!ha discriminaljak oket epp ugy kell masok ellen is fellepni mint veluk szemben....ez a democrztia..!@ |
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#25962011-12-13 03:20ISKCON spreads message of peace. Please let them continue and grow. |
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#25972011-12-13 03:24Saving the planet for the good cause of humanity through Krishna Consciousness. |
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#25982011-12-13 03:36Jai Sri Krishna . |
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#25992011-12-13 03:53Entire world is going gaga on ECO-friendly, then, what's wrong with Hare KRSNA's movement? They are socialists, spiritualists and well wishers for sustainability movements, therefore, do not stop them in order to present this earth as it is for next generations. Thank you, Hare KRSNA. |
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#26002011-12-13 04:17Thanks! |
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