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Ez a(z) VÉDJUK MEG KRISNA-VÖLGYET ÉS A SZENT TEHENEKET! petíció automatikusan generált fórumtémája
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#26512011-12-13 07:54Request government authorities to support ISKCON which is doing noble service to the society. This shall bring good fortunes to the governments and people in the worold. All the problems of life can be solved with one simple solution by following ISKCON. Hence, everyone need to support. |
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#26522011-12-13 07:54This farm and temple help a lot of people all over the world and it gives the example of simple and spiritual life!!! |
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#26532011-12-13 07:57Iskcon Devotees in Hungery are sincerely trying to establish a spiritual vedic community centered around a Krishna Temple. Along with cultivating spiritual pure lifestyle they are developing environment friendly organic farm community & cow protection centers. we should definetly help these devotees by signing this petition |
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#26542011-12-13 07:59your name |
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#26552011-12-13 08:05Hare Krishna!!! |
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#26562011-12-13 08:06Pls don't ban iskcon pls save lord krishna temple |
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#26572011-12-13 08:07Please allow the Lord's devotees to live & execute devotional service peacefully. |
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#26582011-12-13 08:19i condemn this act of government. |
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#26592011-12-13 08:23There is unrest all over the word due to consumerism and not having a system that is strong, long lived and proven over many millions of years. Vedic design of life is something that ensures peace all over with happy and healthy life. By way of these farms ISKCON is helping sustain and revive that model. In these times of crisis its not only important to let the movement stay but should even be promoted. Steps to curb it will not help any but the country will loose hopes. |
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#26602011-12-13 08:26i sincerely hope that the HUNGARIAN parliament will recognition to iskon and reregister the iskon as it is doing peaceful selfless service to humanity in general and sacred cows are protected. |
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#26612011-12-13 08:29Please! |
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#26622011-12-13 08:36Save Krishna Valley |
satishgupta123 |
#2663 Krishna valley project2011-12-13 08:43Request government authorities to support ISKCON. These devotees are serving the world by their great work. You people also chanst HARE KRISHNA HARE KRISHNA , KRISHNA KRISHNA HARE HARE , HARE RAMA HARE RAMA , RAMA RAMA HARE HARE. This is the only secret to live happily. Satish gupta, new delhi, india |
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#26642011-12-13 08:45Please save our cows.. Its a wonderful place - And they are doing some really good work. |
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#26652011-12-13 08:47Let's Join to follow footsteps guided by our Aacharys and Gurus join this cause for pity |
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#26662011-12-13 08:48Hare Krishna devotees are a blessing on this earth so please save Iskcon Hungary. |
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#26672011-12-13 08:49Please respect our right. |
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#26682011-12-13 08:53I support this petition and request that Land be allowed to be retained with ISKCON. |
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#26692011-12-13 08:53We beg for your help to save our mother cow and holy land Krishna Vally please sir help to protect this noble cause please, we are crying like child in front of kind mother like you |
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#26702011-12-13 09:05Please Save devotees and Cows of KRSNA |
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#2671 Re:2011-12-13 09:06 |
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#26722011-12-13 09:08Spirituality is the need of the day. All pollution of this world can be offset with the catalyst of Spiritualism in every spheres of life. Religion is the backbone in spiritualism and all religion is to be respected for attaining the highest spiritual understanding. India developed spiritually on this model and expects all developed countries also to get such benefits by allowing other spiritual practices to flourish in their country. One spiritual leader is able to bring peace and prosperity to the whole country! So, it is requested to allow ISKCON to flourish in your country, for a better future of the citizens of the whole World. |
jenu |
#2673 Krishna Vally2011-12-13 09:08Our Dear most Aacharya His Devine Grace A.C.Bhaktivedanta Swami Srila Prabhupada quote in his books that if a man possess a piece of land and pair of Cow and bull then he don’t have to struggle for all this anxiety present in this material planet. He can grew what so ever needed for him to survive from this land and from cow’s milk he can prepare milk product for his consumption, so what’s wrong if he live simple and think higher other than indulging his life in meat eating, intoxication, illicit sax, and gambling, It’s a humble request to Hon Hungarian parliament to respect human right to live as he like. Please support these devotees to get fortune for your nation |
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#26742011-12-13 09:09Please ISKCON is the most popular society who is doing for welfare of human society.The american government has spent crores of dollars to get relief from LSD but this ISKCON movement did it very easily.jai sril Prabhupad |
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#26752011-12-13 09:15i am praying to Srila Prabhupada and Radha Gopinath |
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