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Ez a(z) VÉDJUK MEG KRISNA-VÖLGYET ÉS A SZENT TEHENEKET! petíció automatikusan generált fórumtémája
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#26262011-12-13 06:47Human should respect Mother Nature whoso ever concerned with any faith.We are all child of almighty,should realize that.dont harm any one,be in Harmony,love and affection of the mother Nature.For God Sake allow this preservation of Mother nature in Farm land in Krishna velly. |
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#26272011-12-13 06:53hk hk k k h h hr hr r r h h |
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#26282011-12-13 06:55Pls stop these,Society for Krisna Consciouness is authorized pls allow them to practice.Devotees are all perfect gentlemen. |
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#26292011-12-13 07:05hare rama hare krishna |
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#26302011-12-13 07:06Krishna consiousness people are always kind and mercy therefore please secure. |
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#26312011-12-13 07:09Please help, they are genuine ! |
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#26322011-12-13 07:15I pray that the Hungarian govt. will take this appeal very seriously and understand the purpose the land has been serving and thus let the Krishna valley retain its status as a Church. |
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#26332011-12-13 07:16even though I am not Hungarian, still I am signing petition because. Krishna Consciousness is good for that town, state, country and world. Please allow ISKCON operations normally. Thank you. Regards, P. Prakash |
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#26342011-12-13 07:19pls save cows |
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#26352011-12-13 07:20ISKCON activities are genuine and this movement is helping society to uplift themselves and find peace that is currently missing; due to this, we see the whole world is suffering from mass destruction. |
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#26362011-12-13 07:20Dear Authorities of Hungary, Please accept my personal greetings and the blessings of the Lord - whom Lord Jesus referred to as "Our Father in Heaven". We are actually following and worshiping the same Father. May I humbly request you to restore the legal status of ISKCON in Hungary, With warmest regards, Chandrasekharan Sivakumar aka Sheetalanga Gauranga Dasa. |
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#26372011-12-13 07:23yes |
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#26382011-12-13 07:24please protect cows, please protect cows, please protect cows |
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#26392011-12-13 07:25please protect this wonderful eco village and scared cow for the welfare of the humanity |
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#26402011-12-13 07:25Hare Krishna! This Krishna Valley has been serving the Hungarian community for a very significant time helping individuals and nature blossom. By taking their Church status away nearly 300 monks and families with small children and 52 cows will be left HOMELESS!!! Also this land has been toiled with much love and labour to what is one of Hungary's main organic farming and tourist site! Why would you want this all to close down and render all this effort a WASTE! Leaving so many HOMELESS!!!! I URGE the Hungarian govt- PLEASE DO NOT DO THIS!!! |
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#2641 ISKCON Hungary2011-12-13 07:26ISKCON Hungary is one of the most auspicious place on earth where people can come and purify themselves. This temple is lotus in the mud. |
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#26422011-12-13 07:27Hare Krishna! |
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#26432011-12-13 07:28Hi every one, I am giving my full support to ISKCON... i have full confidence ISKCON will win in this... Hare Krishna |
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#26442011-12-13 07:34We should save Cows at any cost !! |
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#26452011-12-13 07:39please save Cows, protuct one of the mother, please protct cows. |
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#26462011-12-13 07:40Signing this as per instruction of my Guru |
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#26472011-12-13 07:41hare krishna please of protect cows |
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#26482011-12-13 07:41Activities at Krishna Valley farm in Hungary are very nobel work not only for the human beings but for the entire family of LIVING & NON-LIVING beings. The overall mission shall be taken in to right spirit and shall be encouraged & strongly supported please. It is a humble request. |
Jhari |
#2649 About Cow2011-12-13 07:44Cow is most important animal for us. We worship the cow respect as lord's beloved. Krsna's other name is Govinda which means king of cows. In materially, cow gives many things as well as fertility and purity which is proved with scientifically. And Spiritually, more benefit than materially. Just chances of one looks in cow, we get go back to home, back to godhead. Jaya Hari |
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#26502011-12-13 07:47Lord Krishna has blessed the Hungarian people with an ISKCON Centre in their own land. ISKCON upholds Peace and Harmony, Simple Living and God Consciousness. I am sure the Hungarian Parliament will realize this and allow and encourage the ISKCON movement in Hungary to continue and achieve these important objectives of human life. |
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