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Ez a(z) VÉDJUK MEG KRISNA-VÖLGYET ÉS A SZENT TEHENEKET! petíció automatikusan generált fórumtémája
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#28762011-12-13 20:16Vote |
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#28772011-12-13 20:16vote |
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#28782011-12-13 20:21Please don't do this to act and you shall see Krishna bestowing mercy on you. |
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#2879 Re: jospoo.87@gmail.com2011-12-13 20:25 |
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#28802011-12-13 20:25Hallatlan, mint a kommunizmusban,mindent államosítani... |
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#28812011-12-13 20:27:( |
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#28822011-12-13 20:27Igazságtalanság !! |
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#28832011-12-13 20:28. |
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#28842011-12-13 20:29I'm from Russia. Krishna is God! |
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#28852011-12-13 20:30Andzela Usakova |
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#28862011-12-13 20:54Krisna-völgy a Krisna-hivők tulajdona! Minden, ami ma ott látható, a kétkezi munkájuk gyümölcse! Csodálatos, amit Ők ott létrehoztak és működtetnek! Senkinek nincs joga ezt tönkre tenni! Inkább példát vehetnénk tőlük! |
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#28872011-12-13 21:00I hope a fair and sensible decision will be taken by the hungary government as a country which pride themselves as being democratic, fair and multiracial. I hope they will consider all peoples religious belief and they will come to sound and agreeable decision. Regards Vikash Sookun |
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#28882011-12-13 21:16Please stop this atrocious act. Why would you want to destroy a farm land full of cows, nice buildings and temple and a community of hundreds? All they want to do is chant and be happy and to protect animals. Why on earth would you want to stop this? Imagine if you do close the temple, it would make people's lives much harder and would stop people from being happy and building a connection with God. Now whether you disagree with our faith, is another question but all we want to do is be happy, build our relationship with God and to do farming and protect the nature. This is all we want to do. I do not see why you would want to commit this act. It really makes me feel upset and disrespected and really feel down. Please stop me from not being happy and thousands all over the world. The whole movement across the world is astonished of why would you this so please just make people thousands of people happy and please DO NOT CLOSE THE TEMPLE! I will be so happy if you do not close it but I would be so upset and disappointed if you did. Act upon this now and please do not perform this horrible act in my opinion and thousands of other peoples opinion. |
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#28892011-12-13 21:38Brothers should live together in harmony. This act is unbecoming of a human being. Jesus's 1 commandment is "Love thy neighbour as thy love thyself. As christians we must follow this steadfastly without any deviation. So if we transgress this simple teaching then we have failed to live our Christian values and cannot call ourselves Christians |
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#28902011-12-13 21:42its just a cause for my fellow indian's beliefs |
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#28912011-12-13 21:45Inhumane behaviour and shame on those that call themselves Christians and behave in a animalistic manner like wanting to destroy the wonderous natural living enviroment. Christ comes from the Greek word Christos which comes from the Sanskrit word Krishna. So the father Christ that chritians pray to and Krishna is the identical Supreme Father. We all need to wake up and embrace one another as families do and not commit atrocities like destroying ones home. Hell awaits those involved in this atrocity |
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#28922011-12-13 21:45Radha-Govinda/Krishna have to always and everywhere to be worshiped and everyone deserves the mercy to perform devotional service/Bhakti. Only then can we be happy. |
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#28932011-12-13 21:48Those perpitraitors beware HELL awaits you as you are transgressing the 10 commandments |
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#28942011-12-13 21:51No no no way can you allow this to go on |
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#28952011-12-13 21:52Hare Krishna! This is against the human rights to take away the liberty from people to practice true religion and usurp their property and make them deserted. |
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#28962011-12-13 21:54Hare Krishna! Govt. should be afraid of the wrath of God for torturing the good souls. |
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#28972011-12-13 22:31Please save cows and peaceful space |
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#28982011-12-13 22:33Számomra nagyon szimpatikus, követni való az a mód, ahogyan felvirágoztatják ma Krisna-tudatú hívők maguk körül a teret. Mindenképp vigyáznunk kell az ilyen életszemléletű csoportok megmaradására. |
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#28992011-12-13 22:47Meg kell menteni! |
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#29002011-12-13 23:08Protect Hungary and make all the people Krishna conscious |
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