Kapcsolatfelvétel a petíció szerzőjével
Ez a(z) VÉDJUK MEG KRISNA-VÖLGYET ÉS A SZENT TEHENEKET! petíció automatikusan generált fórumtémája
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#37012012-01-04 18:03IKCON is peaceloving social service communiy who spread Dharma 'not beliefs-which is half baked and selfish'. |
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#37022012-01-04 22:31Go Vegan! |
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#37032012-01-05 09:57This is unjust and encroaching on the freedom of humans since we are born free and have to be free to practise the path to realisation of the self. |
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#37042012-01-05 13:51Please save the community |
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#37052012-01-06 04:58Its safe to live with Nature |
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#37062012-01-06 10:32Hare Krishna books should be allowed to be read and distributed freely as they are teh best way of reconnecting peoplpe with their lost relationship with God/Krsna and thus relieving all suffering conditions on the planet. |
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#37072012-01-07 06:21When I tried to share this on facebook it was in Hungarian, I don't know anyone who speaks Hungarian. |
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#37082012-01-07 19:18por favor no les quiten las tierras a los devotos de hungria ellos estan haciendo un buen trabajo en pro de la sociedad y toda la humanidad de tal manera que es una comunidad y granja auto sustentable lo mejor de todo es que es ecologica pero lo mas importante es que todo esto esa siendo para seguir los principios religiosos de la mejor manera y tratando de complacer a Dios "Krishna" |
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#37092012-01-07 19:59hindutava is the most anciently distributed religion of the world |
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#37102012-01-08 05:10Hare Krishna |
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#37112012-01-08 05:11Go vege Hare Krishna way |
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#37122012-01-09 04:47krishna is always with us |
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#37132012-01-09 07:48I agree with this petition |
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#37142012-01-09 20:13ne bantsatok a teheneket |
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#37152012-01-09 23:16Please protect the Krisna Valley in Hungary for the benefit of mankind. |
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#37162012-01-09 23:18Hare Krishna |
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#37172012-01-11 10:09This is a war ... They want to destroy us ... |
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#37182012-01-12 12:30Я против такого неуважения к объектам культуры востока и к людям, которые любят эту культуру. |
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#37192012-01-14 03:01This Temple in HUNGARY is highly essential for the community. Not Only that this temple already had a good fame across all the Krishna temples in the world. Hare Krishna |
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#37202012-01-15 13:38Yes, we should all support this because this Hindu Organisation is doing a first class job for our religion. thanks basheshar |
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#37212012-01-15 14:01For radiating the creator's Truths, for inspiring people for a clean living, making purity, honesty our way of life can only generator a dynamic, shining character and no government or country can deny your dedicated objectives- in fact your efforts afre opening a new chapter in the ethical development of people. In fact you are making the realisation of the creator more clear and it makes the individual to see his role/his contribution towards making our world safer and happier and highly academic. individual |
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#37222012-01-16 09:24the Hungarian Society for Krishna Consciousness (MKTHK—a part of the International Society for Krishna Consciousness, ISKCON) is an authorized representative of the monotheistic branch of ancient Hinduism. As in other parts of the world, the Krishna Consciousness movement in Hungary is the continuation of an unbroken spiritual lineage that dates back thousands of years to Lord Krishna. Almost fifty years ago A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami made known this spiritual lineage of India throughout the world by translating the ancient scriptures Bhagavad-gita and Srimad-Bhagavatam, popularizing the chanting of the Hare Krishna mantra and introducing the tradition of temple worship. The members of the Krishna Consciousness Movement in Hungary are known for their exemplary religious practices and lifestyles. Their temples and institutions are managed in the best Hindu tradition, and their rituals and worship are completely in line with Hinduism. Their worship, cultural and educational centers provide great service not only to the tens of thousands of Hungarian Krishna-believers, but to the Indian community living in Hungary as well. Motivated by two essential Hindu principles—non-violence and compassion—the Hungarian Krishna-believers have been carrying out extensive environmental projects and charity work, by which they are doing a great contribution to the society at large. We are convinced that MKTHK is worthy of all your support to provide them a full church status. |
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#3723 Re: Re: Jó reggelt!2012-01-16 10:25 |
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#37242012-01-19 18:49krishna is peace..spread his word,do not seek to ban him..:) haribol!! |
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#37252012-01-22 06:30I hope the justice shall be done. Isckon as far as I know is a very loving and diligent community. |
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