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Ez a(z) VÉDJUK MEG KRISNA-VÖLGYET ÉS A SZENT TEHENEKET! petíció automatikusan generált fórumtémája
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#6762011-12-07 05:32Green farm! |
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#6772011-12-07 05:39These barbarians in the guise of kings will devour the citizenry, murdering innocent women, children, cows and brahmanas and coveting the wives and property of other men. They will be erratic in their moods, have little strength of character and be very short-lived. Indeed, not purified by any Vedic rituals and lacking in the practice of regulative principles, they will be completely covered by the modes of passion and ignorance. (Bhagavata Purana 12.1.39-40) |
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#6792011-12-07 05:57this iskcon hungary farm is doing a very valuable work for humanity please help them |
kamal |
#680 hungary iskcon farm2011-12-07 05:59this farm is the life of many devotees family & mother cows krsna loves it |
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#6812011-12-07 06:17Please protect the cows and their need. Cows are mother, they feed us with milk. Milk and milk products nourishes our body and that way we are indebted to her everyday. It is our moral responsibility to protect the needs of our mother cow. That is humanity, otherwise there is no difference between human beings and animals. I humbly request and appeal to your good self, as a government representative to exercise justice and to save & respect the cows and cattle for a good cause. |
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#6822011-12-07 06:20love |
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#6832011-12-07 06:28Hare Krishna |
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#6842011-12-07 06:31This is daylight robbery and injustice by the Hungarian Government to the peace loving and friendly Hungarian Krishna community. Please stop this atrocity and preserve the Krishna Valley farm that is one of the best attractions of Hungary. |
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#6852011-12-07 06:37This is not fair. The land for Krishna is meant for doing Krishna's work. Please do not allow any body to interfere or resist Krishna's work. |
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#6872011-12-07 06:51The Hungarian Society for Krishna Consciousness is the main representative of the Hindu world religion in Hungary. The Krishna-devotees are known for their exemplary religious practices, dedication to distributing knowledge of eternal spiritual values and pure, exemplary lifestyles; their efforts and achievements in assisting underprivileged people, as well as in fighting environmental problems and promoting sustainability are also well known and valued worldwide. Their Krishna-valley farm has brought hundreds of thousands of tourists and more international recognition for Hungary. We are urging the Hungarian Parliament to make sure their lands, monks and sacred cows are protected, and their invaluable services to the society are uninterrupted. |
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#6882011-12-07 06:51Krishna Consciousness is the only way to bring peace and harmony in world, please save this. |
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#6892011-12-07 06:54These days Cows are becoming scares please protect them by having them good pasture. |
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#6902011-12-07 06:55As Srila Prabhupada's Bhagavada Gita 'As It Is' is cherished by many leaders of this world and promotes love of God, it should also be respected by you, not banned, thank you. Radhe Radhe... |
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#6912011-12-07 07:07Hare Krishna |
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#6922011-12-07 07:13Please save ISKCON Hungary's cows and farm. |
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#6932011-12-07 07:28Please do the needful to protect for the good cause. |
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#6942011-12-07 07:33Government should not issue a law which doesn't take into account the existing order of things. One of the most succesful eco-projects in Europe should not be put into the state of unsafety and uncertainty. |
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#6952011-12-07 07:37Please let the devotees practice their life style of simple living and high thinking. |
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#6962011-12-07 07:45Itt most felesleges szájcséplésnek tartanám a politikai, ideológiai vitákat. Arra nincs idő! Össze kell fognunk és megmentenünk Krisnavölgyet! Nem hagyhatjuk, hogy minden értéket a sárba tiporjanak! Csak pár alkalommal voltam kint, és elvarázsolt az a belső nyugalom, tudás, szeretet, ami az ott lakó szerzetesekből, családjaikból, a házakból, utakból, mindenből árad. Ahogy áthaladsz az elefántok között vezető úton, érzed a gyomrodban a szférák táncát, az anyagi javaktól mentes belső boldogságod. Számomra mindig felejthetetlen felüdülést, belső békét hozott a völgy meglátogatása. Még sokszor szeretnék elmenni oda. És csak úgy, hogy az érték, amit keserves munkával, nélkülözések közepette létrehoztak a Krisna tudatúak. Minden elismerésem az övék. Nem veszthetik el ezt a csodát, a világba, jóságba vetett hitüket!!! |
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#6972011-12-07 07:47We should help and support EVERY spiritual organization, because it is the most valuable thing for mankind. |
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#6982011-12-07 07:51By denying the freedom to Krishna Conscious Movement the church is committing a great sin of GOD. If the Government shows its muscles, GOD will also. It will fill the country with unkind, unreasonable, corrupt, and atheists. Beware of what you are doing. Narendra |
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#6992011-12-07 07:51Please save ISKCON in hungery |
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#7002011-12-07 07:54Hare Krishna |
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