Kapcsolatfelvétel a petíció szerzőjével
Ez a(z) VÉDJUK MEG KRISNA-VÖLGYET ÉS A SZENT TEHENEKET! petíció automatikusan generált fórumtémája
Vendég |
#7012011-12-07 08:08The Hare Krishna Movement is NOT to be scared of rather to be loved by all because it'll give one and to all, the happiness they are seeking, the solution to all their problem they are looking for from time immemorial. Please embrace The Hare Krishna Movement and its people, and be happy. Well wisher of all the people |
Vendég |
#7022011-12-07 08:27We request the authorities to be kind on us and help Land development and cow protection prevail as they are the only hope for future of world ( The only solution to oil crisis and fake currency problem ) |
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#7032011-12-07 08:30Save the world and peace please. |
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#7042011-12-07 08:35It is important to protect the cows and allow devotees to practice peacefully. Please consider |
Vendég |
#7052011-12-07 08:42Dear Ladies and Gentlemen, Its the duty of every human being to help each other and live peacefully. These Krishna Consciousness followers are very good at heart and doing lots of social welfare activities. They extent their help to anyone inspite of any race/religion to full of Their heart. I have experience in my own life. Such people should be helped and protected to protect ourselves. Thanks for this opportunity! ~Sakthi |
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#7062011-12-07 08:45great petition! |
Vendég |
#7072011-12-07 08:54We REALLY NEED to protect the rights and sanctity of Krsna Devotees in Hungary. This WILL be of immense benefit to Hungary as a nation and its citizens as well. Krsna Valley ought to be protected so that Krishna devotees can continue their wonderfull services to the local citizens and the nation at large. Thank you very much. Amol |
Vendég |
#7082011-12-07 08:56Hare Krishna! |
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#7092011-12-07 08:59Please do not stop ISKOCN's any project, it is completely dedicated for the service of humanity in general. |
Vendég |
#7102011-12-07 09:00Please do not hand over hari krishna land to the governemen! Keep it in the hands of the devotees. |
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#7112011-12-07 09:00Kindly save the land for the cows of the Lord and the devotees |
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#7122011-12-07 09:03Save the Cows, save Europe ! Save Hungary ! |
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#7132011-12-07 09:03Please allow The Hare Krishna movement to keep there farm |
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#7142011-12-07 09:04Iskon Hungary are very good hosts and really enhanced our tourist experience at Budapest. Their smiles beckon us to revisit. I request the Hungarian ministers/senators to give them the privilege of having a decent base in their own country and to be considered as a church. - jay from Wellington, nz. |
Rick |
#715 Legal loophole2011-12-07 09:08Agricultural collectivization was promoted in Hungary during communist times. There should be a legal loophole today for ISKON to keep the land if you guys dig deeper in the Hungarian agricultural laws. Protests are good, but you need a Plan B, maybe the best option could be to become a cooperative and as such you will be able to keep the land, with the only difference you will need to pay some taxes for the products you sell on the open market. Here is a report from 2011 entitled "RESEARCH OF SOCIAL COOPERATIVES AND SUPPORTING POGRAMS IN HUNGARY Summary and recommendations", it could be useful. Also get a lawyer expert on agrarian affairs. http://www.szocialisgazdasag.hu/sites/default/files/dokumentumtar/szocszovkuttanosszen.pdf |
Hubert Vendég |
#7162011-12-07 09:10A szabad vallásgyakorlat nevében keresztény emberként, aláírom. In the name of freedom of belief and connecting practices, as a christian, I sign this petition. |
Vendég |
#7172011-12-07 09:16Hare Krishna people is doing their best in the whole world. Kindly support and help them in their endeavor for peace and happiness for the whole world instead, destroying it. Thank you. |
Vendég |
#7182011-12-07 09:22Dear Sir/ Madam It is with great pleasure and enthusiasm that i sign this petition in support of ISKCON Hungary. ISKCON is the best event that happens to any locality in any country. ISKCON WILL BRING HAPPINESS TO ALL IRRESPECTIVE OF THE RELIGION ONE FOLLOWS. So, i pray to the concerned authorities to encourage the devotees to ISKCON to establish more centers in Hungary. Suresh Singhvi |
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#7192011-12-07 09:24Szívemből kívánom,hogy érje el célját... |
Vendég |
#7202011-12-07 09:36Hare Krishna! |
Vendég |
#7212011-12-07 09:39Nem hiszem, hogy ma Magyarországon vagy bárhol a világban veszélyt jelentenének a krisnások. Veszélyesek azok, a magukat liberálisnak mondó emberek a világra, akik a másságot, a szabadságot és annak megnyilvánulásait így próbálják elnyomni. Ébresztő! Ma Ők, holnap mi. |
Vendég |
#7222011-12-07 09:40Hare Krishna is very important for saving peace on Earth |
Vendég |
#7232011-12-07 09:43Katolikus Keresztény vallású vagyok, de nem értek egyet Semjén Úrék politikájával. Persze lehet, hogy jót tesznek a kirekesztéssel, a Katolikus egyház is erősebb volt lelkiekben a megpróbáltatás alatt. |
Vendég |
#7242011-12-07 09:46Write a comment...HARE KRSNA HARE Krsna Krsna krsna hare hare hare ram hare ram ram Ram Ram Hare Hare |
Vendég |
#7252011-12-07 09:49Hare krsna people are genioune progressive people living an ideal harmonious and co operative life simply for the benifit of every one, thier also the most qualified leaders (some) because theyre desisions are based on solid truth coming from the manu samhita and bhagavad gita, which are law books for mankind. all leaders should take counsil from devotees because there selfless. |
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