Internetes petíció Esterházy János védelmében
Rakovszky Vendég |
/ #393 Re: Több-nyelvűség:2011-09-02 22:34Az angol szöveget A Pazmaneum már meg is kapta, de még nem tették fel. A Pázmaneum szövege ki lett egészítve, nehogy azt mondhassák, hogy ez egy szlovák ellenes petíció. Kerek-perec benne van, hogy a szlovák-magyar barátság érdekében fontos olyan Gasparovic féle demagogokat a sűlyesztőbe küldeni. De hogy terjedjen az angol nyelvterületen, itt is közre adom: The Pazmaneum Society of Dunaszerdahely (Dunajskej Strede) protest against the accusations uttered by the head of state of the Slovak Republic, Ivan Gašparovič, in which he called Count János Esterházy a fascist, seriously offending the memory of the (World War II era ethnic Hungarian politician in Slovakia), who was imprisoned both by the Gestapo and the communists. "Our emblem is the cross and not the swastika." János Esterházy openly opposed the national-socialist terror regime and risked his life saving Jews, Slovaks, Czechs, Poles and Hungarians, Because of this, the Gestapo arrested him. As we all know, he was the only MP in the Parliament of the Slovak puppet-state under Josef Tiso, who voted against the deportation of Jews. In spite (or, because) of this, he was arrested and imprisoned in contravention of all principles of justice. More can be read about him at:ános_Esterházy He was a member of an old Hungarian noble family, whose conviction is clearly illustrated by the following quote: "We always regarded the Slovak people as brothers and will do so in the future as well. The thousand years of sharing a common history was the work of God, and our common lot no human effort may tear asunder." The current Slovak head of state called this man a fascist and a follower of Hitler. Mr. Gašparovič demonstrated, that he knows but little of history, to put it mildly. We would advise him to study what actually did happen at that time before uttering such accusations. He might even discover that it was Slovakia, as an ally of Hitler, who attacked Poland in 1939. This insult to the memory of János Esterházy is an insult not only to the entire Hungarian minority who lived for a thousand years in the area of what is today the Slovak Republic, but to all Slovaks, Czechs, Poles, Jews whom Esterházy helped risking his life during the horrible years of the war and who remained grateful to him forever. We demand, that the head of state of the Slovak Republic, who must act as the president of all nationalities living in Slovakia, apologizes for his defamatory remarks against an individual who was per-secuted both by the Nazis and the Reds and rectify the harm he has done and to support the Slovak rehabilitation of this martyr of the Hungarians living in Slovakia. He should also remember that Esterházy’s erstwhile accusers, the Russians, have already rehabilitated him as long ago as 1993! We ask all people and organizations, for whom honesty, uprightness and justice is important and who abhor hate-mongering, ethnic tensions and injustice, to sign this petition and ask their friends to do likewise. Signing this petition also supports the friendship between the Slovak and Hungarian peoples against political adventurers who want to drive a wedge between them for their own private gain. |
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